Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 12th, 2015

You know, I've been thinking a lot about life. (Shocker, right?) And I'm really thinking about how human nature works as in, if human nature was a toy, what would it be like?

I honestly don't know how to really think about it without filling half of the blog of theories, ramblings, and sentences that even I wouldn't understand.

It's just... A really strange thought to think about human nature as an entity, and why is human nature so vile in certain ways and accepted in others.

Like, people accept that people can be kind. However, when that kindness resembles something humans are entitled to themselves (selfishness, greediness, lust, etc.) people attack that and say how vile that person is for allowing themselves to be... well, human.

I really don't understand why humans are like the way they are. Yet, there are people who make so many excuses for the things they do. It's like a murderer saying that they're just sick in the head; that they should be excused for their actions. But there's that undeniable fact that they still killed a person, and nothing is going to bring their victim back.

Humanity is scary, and it's so strange to see humanity's true nature in front of your eyes.

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